Monday, May 1, 2017

Auditory Perception Problems Anyone??



uditory perception or hearing is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations, changes in the pressure of the surrounding medium through time, through an organ such as the ear. as defined at Wikipedia.
I believed I have suffered from some sort of hearing problem since I was a teenager. Everyone would tell me it was all in my head. When I was older I went and had my hearing checked at a ENT [ear, nose and throat]  Doctor near me. After all the tests his diagnosis: I have a problem with my hearing and it involves my nasal passages[I cannot remember the exact wording he used]. It is something I have no other symptoms from just a reduction in my hearing ability. I was given a prescription for a nasal spray of which I never used. I thought the Doctor just didn't know what was wrong with my hearing.

That was 15 years ago and who new, 7 years ago I was prescribed a nasal spray for my allergies that I use daily. Guess that doctor did know what he was talking about. Although I did not suffer any damage from my stupidity, I now do hear better even though I have gotten older. However like all of you if the AC is on near me I do turn up the volume.


hen I have trouble sleeping I will watch TV. I did not notice how loud I played the TV at night until my son moved back home. He would always ask me to turn the TV down. I purchased several sets of the headphone type hearing devices made just for hearing the TV better even if you moved from one room to another. Something always went wrong with them. I applied for a chance to receive Vorfreude Hearing Amplifier with a lifetime guarantee. I was accepted and all they wanted in return was my honest evaluation and a review.

When It came I was surprised at the small box and couldn't wait to opened it. It was so small I couldn't believe it. My mothers was much bigger and it would wrapped around her ear. This one is not even as big as a nickle.

read the instruction and tried each earplug before deciding on which one fit and felt best. I then opened the battery compartment by swinging it open to the right and I placed the battery in with the positive side up. They sent two Batteries inside the package so I have one extra battery.  
[For future reference the type of batteries this model uses AG5 or A13 Zinc Air].

Battery Placement    #Vorfreude

I turned it on and adjusted the volume and placed it into my ear making sure it was snug. If the fit is not airtight and not in the right position it will make a whistling sound. I must have picked the right earplug because as soon as i positioned it I could hear the TV immediately. It works! and without having any problems.

I could hear the TV and my son talking on his phone on the other couch with his head facing the other way. AWESOME! I left it in the rest of the day and evening and removed it at bedtime. I cleaned the earplug with some alcohol and placed it next to my pills.

I have been using it now for almost a week and it has worked very well for me. Besides having to adjust the volume a few times, I have not experienced any problems. I can hear better and more things....I find certain things are now easier as hearing plays a big part in certain things I do everyday. This is also perfect as hearing enhancement for just wearing at night to hear the TV so you don't bother anyone else in the house. This is a very good investment!

Following is a picture of the Vorfreude Hearing Amplifier inside my son's ear.  I could not take a good picture with it in my own ear.

you would like to check out the  Vorfreude Hearing Amplifier it is currently available on Amazon at the following link: or just click on the name and it will take straight to their page.  It is definitely worth it!





#TiNativio #tinativio #truthbeshared/told

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